May 23, 2008

Free exp in L2?

Here's a thought about a new feature that's gonna hit hard in L2. It's about the weird VP bar that's added to our screens. It works really simple. Stand in a peace zone for some time (like in selling/buying shop) and then you'll earn more exp when you kill mobs. This one came as a player suggested modification to the game. Sounds interesting, doesn't it ?

I just have one doubt on it... Who will earn more from this? Real life players ? Or real life bot managers ? I guess there's no way the all mighty bot (being it L2 walker, L2 divine or Superman) is ever going to be beaten.

The intent of this VP bar is to stimulate real players. I hope, and think it is going to do so. But please, feel free to present your arguments against it, as a lot of people think it's just going to bring more benefit to professional botters.

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